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Dr. Robert Malone: Governments Around the World are Using Fear Porn to Push Unsafe Vaccines

Extremely American

New Covid Variants: Dr. Robert Malone on the Government Fear Porn to Push Vaccines

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Dana (@DLoesch / @DanaLoeschRadio) is joined by Dr. Robert Malone (@RWMaloneMD on GETTR - and BACK on Twitter), the inventor of the mRNA vaccine platform, MD, MS, Northwestern School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School fellow - Global Clinical Research Scholar (2016) - He serves as the Chief Medical and Regulatory Officer of the leading organization: The Unity Project (

Dr. Malone talks about the variants that are being talked about, see some of his writings on this here:

Eris appears to be nothing to worry about - and the ‘COVID deaths’ being reported are WITH COVID, not FROM COVID - basically: Don’t believe the hype!

Beware of the levels that Democrats will go - as they are currently in charge - to lock you down, to force a vaccine on you and to shut down your way to make a living.

GRAB DR. MALONE’S BOOK: Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children’s Health Defense)

We appreciate Dr. Malone’s expertise in these matters - stay tuned for updates, as the government narratives evolve (further than COVID evolves)!

Broadcast terrestrially coast to coast, stream, podcasted, one of the top 10 radio programs in the nation. Listen to Dana LIVE weekdays -


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