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Extremely American

Polish MP's protest at the Polish Australian Embassy over Human Rights Violations & Authoritarianism

Updated: Oct 2, 2021

October 1, 2021: The great nation of Poland has been scarred by, but have always endured and beaten, the nefarious actions of communists and authoritarians in past eras. So, when they see the threat of tyranny and authoritarian forms of social oppression, their natural instincts are primed to fend off the tyrants and tactics that come in the form of authoritarian regimes like the one we see in current day Australia.

The group of Polish MP's (members of the Conservative Opposition Party Konfederacja in Poland) represent the kind of loyalty, backbone, metal, and fight we expect to see in all elected officials and representatives. In this video, the Polish MP's are standing in front of the Australian Embassy Building in Warsaw Poland expressing their concern over the rise of tyranny in Australia. These Polish MP's are demanding that the Polish government immediately and harshly condemn the actions by Dan Andrews and other derelict Australian elected officials who are not doing nearly enough to return freedom to Australians.

The words expressed are powerful and sobering (please refer to the subscript during the video) . We must carry hope that leaders like these continue to rise up, call out, and challenge the Australian situation for what it is - a brazen attack by clandestine authoritarians tasked with stripping away the freedom and heritage of Australian citizens in plain sight.

By: Extremely American Colin Wright


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