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Ryan Cole & John Campbell: ‘The Shots Need to Stop’, they are Highly Ineffective & Gravely Harmful

Extremely American

Dr. Ryan Cole: ‘The Shots Need to Stop’

Pushing the gene-based COVID-19 vaccine on an entire population made no scientific sense, Dr. Ryan Cole told host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., on CHD.TV’s “Doctors & Scientists.”

By: The Children's Health Defense Team

September 2, 2023: “A pathologist is the quality control of medicine,” Dr. Ryan Cole told Brian Hooker, Ph.D., on a recent episode of CHD.TV’sDoctors & Scientists.”

Cole is the founder, chief medical officer and laboratory director of Cole Diagnostics, an independent medical laboratory in Garden City, Idaho.

He joined Hooker to discuss the pathology of COVID-19, changes in pathological patterns he saw during the rollout of the COVID-19 jab, and speaking the truth while standing for true science.

In the pre-COVID era, Cole’s daily routine included evaluating biopsies, Pap smears, and other samples while overseeing microbiology and molecular biology labs. He also was responsible for overseeing bloodwork, analyzing data patterns and consulting with doctors and clinicians about tumors and infections.

It was apparent to Cole from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic that SARS-CoV-1 affected primarily the elderly and those with comorbidities. Society overreacted despite these early signals, he said.

Cole told Hooker he was extremely concerned when vaccines for the COVID-19 virus were proposed because it was “completely against what good science indicated.”

Hooker asked Cole, “As the vaccine was rolling out, what were you seeing in the pathology laboratory?”

Cole said before the vaccine, he saw plenty of sick patients and his lab swabbed and processed more than 150,000 COVID-19 specimens. However, after the COVID-19 shot rolled out in December 2020, he started to see an unusual change in patterns under the microscope.

When he started noticing distinct childhood viruses appearing in adult pathological cultures, Cole attributed this to immunosuppression as a result of the spike protein in the COVID-19 jab.

Several months after the rollout of the vaccine, Cole became extremely concerned about a surge in rates of endometrial cancer and other cancers, noting the patterns were congruent to the rollout of the shot.

He told Hooker the “smoking gun” came when he testified in a Senate committee this year with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). At the meeting, a whistleblower came forward with the epidemiology database for the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), which showed an uptick in various cancers.

Cole said the DOD then “froze” the epidemiology database and altered four to five years of data, an act which will inevitably generate “legal wranglings and investigations.”

“It’s almost Watergate-esque,” Cole said. The DOD changed data from 2016 to 2020 to make the 2021 data look as if they were not as bad as they really were, he said.

Cole and Hooker discussed how immunosuppression is induced by the COVID jab.

“Is this something that could have been anticipated and screened for in a normal clinical trial?” Hooker asked.

“Absolutely,” Cole said.

He explained that because the COVID-19 jab is a gene product rather than a true vaccine, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should have reviewed the jab as a gene-based therapy, not a traditional vaccine.

Adverse effects from the shot could have been anticipated, he said, if COVID-19 jab researchers had performed the animal studies that are routinely done for FDA-approved gene-based products on the market.

“To push a gene-based product like this onto an entire population with no idea what the long-term sequelae [will] be made no scientific sense whatsoever,” Cole said.

Hooker and Cole discussed the phenomenon of fibrous clots in living patients and cadavers. These are not typical blood clots, they said. Cole said these clotting problems also could have been anticipated in proper animal studies.

Cole pointed out the shots that are on the market were made for the Wuhan virus. He said he asks people two questions: “Is Wuhan [virus] present in humanity?” and “Do the shots cover Omicron?”

The answers are “No, it’s extinct,” and “No, they don’t.”

“The shots need to stop because of these clotting pathways, immune suppression and cancer-inducing pathways,” Cole said. “They’re all risk with no benefit at this point.”

Hooker also asked Cole about the reproductive consequences of lipid nanoparticles in the ovaries and if he was seeing these issues in the laboratory.

Cole said in his laboratory he witnessed an increase in decidual cast shedding, a typically rare phenomenon that increased tremendously during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He noted that in many studies claiming no reproductive risk with the shots, the abstract and conclusion do not match the data.

Cole also talked about his theories of spike protein shedding, grounding his hypotheses in the literature of the Pfizer application for emergency use and other studies that established the use of self-spreading vaccines for population control in rabbits.

When Hooker and Cole discussed the FDA’s approval of remdesivir for emergency use in babies as young as one month, Hooker stated, “Remdesivir is a huge problem; it is all downside, no upside.”

Cole added that in animal trials, up to one-third of animals experienced kidney failure after being injected with remdesivir.

Even though the World Health Organization criticized the use of remdesivir in 2020 due to its toxic effects and no survival benefit, “hospitals receive a 20% bonus on the hospitalization” if they treat a patient with the drug, he said.

“There is a huge financial incentive to administer remdesivir,” Cole said, despite the existence of many other safe therapeutics for COVID-19.

Hooker and Cole commended colleagues such as Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Paul Marik, who saved the lives of countless patients by using therapeutics during the first months of COVID-19. They agreed the focus from the beginning should have been on adequate therapeutics.

“What has been the response to you telling the truth regarding COVID-19?” Hooker asked Cole.

Cole said he has been attacked by the media, the American Board of Pathology and the College of American Pathologists.

Yet everywhere he goes, he said, he is thanked by countless doctors, families and patients for sharing the truth.

“With what I know, the knowledge I’ve been blessed with, the thousands upon thousands of papers that I’ve read and the patterns I’ve seen in the lab, to only help humanity … is my job,” said Cole.

“That’s my calling, that’s what I do,” he said.


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