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US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee releases 1,000-page report on 'DOJ Rot'

Extremely American

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

‘Politicized bureaucracy’ has FBI ‘rotted at its core,’ GOP charges in shocking report

November 4, 2022: The FBI is “rotted at its core,” has a “systemic culture of unaccountability” and is full of “rampant corruption, manipulation and abuse,” according to whistleblowers cited in a damning report released Friday by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee. The report, which runs 1,050 pages with appendices, amounts to a preview of coming investigations should Republicans win back the House in the Nov. 8 midterm elections.

In the document, GOP lawmakers accuse the bureau’s top brass of pursuing a “woke, leftist agenda” by artificially inflating the number of domestic extremism investigations, burying the investigation into first son Hunter Biden, and forcing out conservative employees. “Quite simply, the problem — the rot within the FBI — festers in and proceeds from Washington,” the report’s introduction read. [T]he FBI and its parent agency, the Justice Department, have become political institutions.”

In the case of Hunter Biden, the report claims the first son “received preferential treatment from federal law enforcement, who seem to have turned a blind eye to the potential national security threats presented by his business dealings with Chinese, Russian, and other foreign nationals.”

Image above: Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee accused the bureau's top brass of pursuing a "woke, leftist agenda." CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA/Shutterstock

Image above: Republicans are also accusing the bureau of burying the investigation into Hunter Biden.

The report repeats whistleblower allegations initially flagged by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) that former FBI agent Timothy Thibault “shut down” the Hunter Biden probe.

“According to whistleblowers and other information, Thibault has allowed his political bias to infect and steer his decision-making at the FBI,” reads the report, which also claims Thibault and another top FBI official “pressured agents” to reclassify investigations as probes into domestic extremists to boost their chances of awards and promotions — even when those cases didn’t fit the bureau’s own criteria.


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