November 2, 2021: The Virginia gubernatorial election has reached a crescendo and, by all accounts, it appears Glenn Youngkin is carrying a distinct advantage going into election day. This being said, it is absolutely critical for all Virginian voters to cast their vote and ensure that Youngkin wins by a large enough margin to offset what has become an election cheating factor predictably perpetrated by the DNC and its system-wide apparatchiks at every turn.
McAuliffe has been a screaming failure and fraud over the years. This election is a perfect opportunity to vote for Glenn Youngkin and put a renewed focus on Virginian parents, student rights, education, political integrity, and traditional American freedom.
Gather your family and friends, vote early, and exchange a failure in McAuliffe for the promise that comes with Youngkin.
The dark history of McAuliffe's scandals & anti-American positions (including his focused attack on Virginian parents and CRT subversion of local school board curriculum) is covered in the brief videos provided below.
By: Extremely American Colin Wright
[McAuliffe attacks Parents in Virginia and America]
[McAuliffe the Racist]
[McAuliffe Attacks Virginian Sheriff & Ducks a Fair Question]
[Terry McAuliffe Attacks Parents & Lies about CRT Indoctrination in Virginia's Schools]