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  • Extremely American

Covidian Chronicles - Part IV: Perspective? Perspective!

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Covidian Chronicles - Part IV: Perspective. Perspective!

By: Dr. Eshan Dias


January 26, 2022: The rise and reign of SARS-CoV-2 infected our communities and nations not only with disease, but also with great anxiety and a proclivity for despair. Screams of pandemic also conditioned a submission unto apparently benevolent tyranny. The hardship and suffering caused is undeniable and every effort to subdue and defeat the infectious agent and its manipulators must be commended and supported.

The battle originated with the aim of curtailing the propagation of the virus, providing care and healthcare, revitalising business, finding drugs and even developing vaccines – vaccines untainted during their design, development and validation and in their constitution by compromised cell lines derived from aborted children, such as the little Dutch girl extracted alive and dissected without anesthetic to procure her kidney tissue. The battle rages now to convince, induce, or force supplantation of prevailing controverted strategies allegedly formulated to restore health of body and society. The problem of preventing the next biological threat be it covid-2x or an engineered strain of smallpox, has been submerged into an abyssmal quagmire where sanity, truth and freedom could be irretrievably smothered. Engaged, apathetic or even rebellious as one may be in this battle, it may yet prove propitious to also look around and ahead.


Engineered by Dr. Shi Zhengli (aka "Bat Lady") or not, within the Institute of Virology designed, equipped and funded by France, the US and the WHO or not, and whether deadly viruses were sent from Manitoba to support gain-of-function research therein or not, this virus in its various mutations and the pandemic caused in its name has also brought opportunity and exposure. Apart from, but perhaps associated with, enriching the tycoons into net worth values in the trillions, it triggered many transformations that were ripe and awaiting activation.

The rise and effectiveness, and prevalence across socio-economic sectors, of the opportunity afforded by online education forced an analysis and reflection on the breakdown of the cost of education against the value of educational institutes and of educators. Remote work became respectable and at times more efficient than in person at office. Since there usually is a pareto-esque distribution in the proportion of those officials whose roles can be largely conducted remotely, with the fossil fuel guzzling impact due to their commute, the environment received respite. The air and waterways became cleaner, not only because of reduced motor traffic in cities but also due to less pollution via industrial waste streams – although a huge quantity of single use plastic protective suits and gloves were discarded and entered garbage heaps or incinerators. Families had time to spend together and to reflect on human vulnerability. They discovered gratitude for the many blessings previously taken for granted and unvalued. Workaholic fathers had no excuse to be physically absent and children benefitted even if these parents preferred to be engaged with one screen after another and not with gifts far more precious. Even though we progress technologically to conquer space and even re-use spacecrafts – we saw that we can be brought to the ground or under, by a micro-organism beyond the limit of resolution of a light microscope.


This is the day of protesting against the mask, even though it is prudent to put up your umbrella when it’s raining even though you may not catch cold if you get wet anyway. Likewise, with the partying on streets to protest curfew orders. It’s also the day of the new jargon of lockdown, social distancing and super-spreader – words isolated from a plethora, as relevant to the previous statement.

The credibility of the medical profession and regulatory bodies descended to a stratum usually occupied by politicians and lawyers, while the ascent materialised of sanitiser fluid and masks – whether surgical, face or fashion, respirators and face shields, antigen test kits, swabs, purified oxygen and hand-held IR thermometers, and the supply chain that feeds these. Further to such expansions of opportunity for wealth creation in the midst of disease, agility coupled with necessity has its day when existing resources are creatively repurposed. Material that was used as mattress liners are promoted as filters in masks, deliverers of food and flowers shift gear into groceries, and garbage bags are converted to personal protective gowns.

We may hope that in post-covidian times, we do not relapse into the overloading of buses and trains which fear of infection rectified, and that nations will gain or retain the discipline to stand in queues, even if there is a distance between two people to insert oneself between. Perhaps such discipline would infect the drivers on the urban tarmac – though such might be the stuff of dreams depending on where you live.


The advertised statistics on the pandemic are grave and the grief and bereavement is real, whether the cause is CoViD or covidian. The numbers that are aired depend on the test, population size and the sampling thereof, efficacy of testing and the honesty of governments.

Data often becomes grist for political grinding, and one needs to be sufficiently alert so that one does not get baked in this flour. It was reported during the earliest stage of the outbreak that the number of coffins and burials in Wuhan exceeded by an order of magnitude the number of officially stated deaths, and contrarywise video footage from hospitals years ago were broadcast with new audio. Nevertheless, this pandemic brought death statistics that have perhaps not before been reported, analysed, interpreted and questioned on this Homeric scale. These numbers however may be compared against lesser-known numbers and thereby will arise more questions.


Collection, compilation and right presentation of data is important. So is the right interpretation of it because that should help identify the causes and indicate the response that needs to be taken. The response may depend in part on interest, resources, will - and on values.

A striking item of data among global mortality rates is the incidence of what the ancient Greeks called phthisis. The ancient Romans knew it as tabes. Leviticus and Deuteronomy mention schachepheth. It was known as the white plague in the 1700s AD, and consumption in the 1800s. Robert Koch isolated the bacillus responsible for it in 1882, and Calmette and Guerin gave their initials to the BCG vaccine. In 1942 Waksman and his team isolated streptomycin, the first antibiotic cure for this disease, from which Neolithic man suffered ten thousand years ago. This so-called "captain of death", the slow killer of youth, responsible for a quarter of deaths in Europe in the nineteenth century, took the lives of Keats, Chopin, Chekov, Kafka, all three Bronte sisters and Therese Martin. It remains today as a leading infectious disease killer worldwide. Ten million people fall ill with it every year and 1.5-2 million people die - of tuberculosis. That’s five thousand people a day. Every day. Every year. Year on year. It does not grab the headlines.

On the first of January 2022, the global mortality rate attributed to CoVid-19 based on a 7-day moving average was 6135 per day – despite the infamous PCR test and the incentives ad nosocomium. In a world that wastes or destroys a third of its food, 25,000 people die of hunger every day. This is death by hunger, and not an account of undernourishment or malnourishment where the numbers are even bigger. Of these deaths due to hunger, 10,000 are of children. Every day. This is more than the mortality due to malaria, AIDS, and tuberculosis combined. Then there is the greatest cause of death. The number of children electively medico-surgically killed by abortion each day is estimated to be between 117,000 to 200,000 - every day. These estimates do not account for the untold unnumbered innumerable chemical and physical abortifacient-caused deaths of children.


The vaccine and the cure for TB are available, but it is a disease predominantly of the indigent third world. Is the matter of who gets it, where they are, and whom it impacts, the criteria? If we work towards it, the apparatus put in place to fight CoVid-19 may be put in motion to help eradicate prevailing infectious diseases, particularly those whose propagation and whose victims do not impact the institutions and powers most able to eradicate them.

Will the freedom fighters who have now awakened and mobilised (because their own lives were impacted), be able to look beyond themselves and fight for the freedom of those too poor, too weak, or too young to fight the tyranny and false narratives for themselves? The fall from grace of the ideology-popularising academy, the trusted physicians and the responsible regulators, and the opening of eyes and the reclamation of common sense triggered by the "crowned imp" of Wuhan may even make us realise that it is indeed a human child, on a Fallopian peregrination or thereafter growing in amniotic bliss as each one of us did at one time. This human child, whose dismemberment or vacuuming, whether obnubilated in eugenics, neo-Malthusianism or reproductive rights, remains a dark mark on civilization and the unavoidable source of clamouring for over half a century.

By: Extremely American Expert Contributor Dr. Eshan Dias


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