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  • Extremely American

CPAC Panel: Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough & Dr. Miller discuss mRNA Gene Therapy Efficacy & Risks

CPAC Texas 2022: Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough & Dr. Miller discuss mRNA Gene Therapy Efficacy & Risks

August 7, 2022: Daniel Otarola hosted a panel of three medical experts at CPAC Texas 2022. Otarola opened this important session with his own thought-provoking observations regarding the "irregularities and inconsistencies" associated with the Covid pandemic.

To view the mRNA panel discussion, jump to the 14-minute mark of the video provided.

Robert Malone MD (mRNA Technology Pioneer), Peter McCullough MD, MPH (Over 1,000 Peer-Reviewed Publications, 46 on COVID-19), and Brooke Miller MD discuss the dangers of the COVID-19 mRNA Injections and the falsehoods that our government officials, public health officials, big pharma, and corporate media have been relentlessly promoting throughout the Covid pandemic.

As always, Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough offer essential medical and scientific insights that all people should be aware of and act on.

Peter McCullough, MD - Scholar Bio

Robert Malone, MD - Scholar Bio

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