Introduction to Lies My Government Told Me
By: Dr. Robert Malone
December 11, 2022: At long last, I am relieved to announce that the book which Jill and I have been laboring for so long to craft has finally been published. Lies My GOV’T Told Me and the Better Future Coming has been published in digital format and hardbound book. The digital format came in at 645 pages and the hardbound book has 480 pages. This book truly did take a village, including many of my friends in the medical freedom community.
Today, I am posting an excerpt from the beginning of the book. Please note that this version is slightly different that what is published in the book, as this version includes song lyrics that my publisher thought might trigger copyright issues, but which were integral to the original introduction section.
Now that the project is finally finished, I am able to share what this book means to me, the journey which Jill and I have undertaken in writing it, and what it has personally meant to us. It is also a lens as to where we will now be focusing our efforts in the near future. This fight for medical freedom and a decentralized version of the “new world order” is not over yet, in fact – it has only just begun.
Those involved in this project anticipate that the book will encounter the usual censorship, opinion/narrative police masquerading as “fact-checkers,” defamation, historical revisionism, and memory-holing. And as discussed below, this is already happening. Jill and I just have to hope that Amazon does not “burn” this book like they did our first one about the “Novel Coronavirus” that was self-published in February of 2020.
Steve Bannon often says that the printed word may become the only historical record which survives the internet censorship and memory-holing processes which have become so common. Let’s hope he is wrong, but prepare in case he is right. In the meantime, this book is intended to provide one “first draft” version of the history of the first three years of the COVIDcrisis. I hope you find it helpful, and that Jill, myself, our co-authors, and the fantastic editorial teams at Skyhorse publishing and Children’s Health Defense have met or exceeded your expectations.
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Lies My Government Told Me
In one sense this book documents a personal journey, a long effort to get to the bottom of the fundamental questions that have dominated every waking moment of my life ever since the COVIDcrisis began. It includes a series of essays composed during late 2021 through 2022, each of which addresses some aspect of the enormity of what we have all experienced. Who is responsible for all the globally coordinated propaganda, information management, mind control efforts, lies, and mismanagement we have experienced? How has it been globally coordinated, and what can we do to stop this sort of thing from ever happening again? What are the root causes of this incredibly dysfunctional “public health” response that frequently seems to have nothing to do with public health? Has there been a truly nefarious agenda, or is this dysfunction merely the unintended consequence of interactions between separate, random events amplified by incompetence and exacerbated by hubris?
During this journey, I have seen, experienced and learned so many new things, met so many people, made many new friends, and listened to so many stories. What follows in this volume is an attempt to process and comprehend the incomprehensible human tragedy and horror of what has occurred during this “pandemic,” and to find some path forward that could lead to a better future for all of us. A future that will require people who still believe in the core principles that form the bedrock upon which Jill and I have built our lives: Acting with integrity, respecting the fundamental dignity of other human beings, and making a commitment to community. The principals that formed the foundation of the American Enlightenment, resulting in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I am firmly committed to a belief that the American experiment in self-governance, forged in another crucible (the tyranny of a mad king), remains relevant today. I reject the twisted logic of those who assert that these principles are obsolete, antiquated, and must be replaced with a system built upon a collectivist and globalist totalitarian vision, a system of government, and command and control economic activity that has consistently failed every time it has been tried throughout history.
Jill and I have lived our lives as free and honest people. It has not been an easy path to walk, but as we begin to approach the end of our journey, we would have it no other way. This commitment and belief system forms the subtext that is woven throughout the following chapters. A commitment to integrity, dignity, and community, tempered with empathy, offered without apology. Please walk alongside of us for a while. Perhaps as we walk, you can hum along with me as I recall the lyrics of Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter in their American anthem “Uncle John’s Band:”
Well, the first days are the hardest days Don’t you worry anymore ‘Cause when life looks like Easy Street There is danger at your door Think this through with me Let me know your mind Woah, oh, what I want to know Is are you kind?
Part One: History and Physical Exam- How did we get here?
Few are aware that on September 28, 2022, during a World Economic Forum “disinformation panel” discussion, United Nations’ global communications representative Melissa Fleming openly stated,
“We partnered with Google, for example. If you Google climate change, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we’d Googled climate change, we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top. We are becoming much more proactive. We own the science and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do. But again, it’s a huge, huge challenge that I think all sectors of society need to be very active.”
Fleming also stated,
“Another really key strategy we had was to deploy influencers […] and they were much more trusted than the United Nations […] We trained scientists around the world and some doctors on TikTok, and we had TikTok working with us.”
Moderating the “Tackling Disinformation” panel was the World Economic Forum managing director Adrian Monc. Both Ms. Fleming and Mr. Monc tied these UN and WEF information control strategies to COVID as well as “global warming,” with Mr. Monc stating that there has been “professionalization of disinformation” including “COVID-19 state-sponsored actors engaged in that.” What does that even mean? That somehow those of us critical of the COVID-19 policies are “state-sponsored” actors? What their statements did reveal is that there has been a group of scientists and physicians who have been trained by the UN and WEF to actively promote “The Science” concerning COVID as “owned” by the UN and WEF, and to do so on a variety of media (corporate and “news” media) channels. The terms typically used for such activities would be “controlled opposition” and “agent provocateurs.” Or just plain “propaganda” and “propagandists.”
Almost everyone, whether or not they have accepted an inoculation labeled as a vaccine, has been infected by one or more of the SARS-CoV-2 variants at some point. Each has their own story and experience, and each of these stories are facets of individual and collective truth which transcend all attempts by media, governments, non-governmental organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and other stakeholders to manage and manipulate the coronavirus narrative to advance a wide range of agendas. For some, the tide of events has cost their lives or those of friends and loved ones. For others they have destroyed their businesses or livelihoods. And for a small subset, particularly those dissidents who have raised alarms about the many breaches of fundamental medical ethics, human rights, freedom of speech, clinical research, and regulatory norms and guidance, it has cost them reputations and careers. Vocal dissident medical professionals have been bombarded by withering and highly coordinated attacks in their places of employment, by their medical licensing boards, on social media, and in a bewilderingly globally coordinated array of corporatized legacy mass media outlets.
How to begin to capture and make sense out of the breadth and depth of the global human tragedy known as COVID-19? The concentration of such immense power to control information and understanding in so few individuals and organizations is unprecedented in human history. Those in power not only promoted their story but effectively crushed dissent, along with the medical ethics and the civil liberties norms which so many of us had taken for granted.
Humans perceive and interpret the world by comparing the information which they receive through their senses to internal models of reality. Our conscious mind does not directly know reality. It holds a model of what it believes to be true, and then compares incoming information to this model. Psychological experiments involving hypnosis have demonstrated that if our internal models of reality are shaped to deny the possibility of an existing object, we will actually not be able to “see” that which is demonstrably present in the stream of photons that our eyes detect or the audio waves that our ears hear. In other words, we can only see that which we believe exists, that which is consistent with our own personal model of reality.
The key challenge for any person who seeks to make sense out of the confusing and often mesmerizing flow of information bombarding us during the COVIDcrisis is to develop an extended internal model of the world which can help their own mind process all of this. Unless steeped in the world of biowarfare, pathogen bioengineering, psychological operations, and the “intelligence community” (as I have been), it is normal for humans to instinctively recoil from the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered pathogen, that the COVIDcrisis could have been exploited to advance the economic and political interests of a small group of people, or that there may be those who support the concept of global depopulation or culling of “useless eaters.” For most of us, such possibilities are so far from our internal models of the world (and of Judeo-Christian ethics) that we immediately, reflexively reject them.
This book is designed to help you to recognize that the coronavirus narrative that has been so actively promoted over the last three years is not the only model for understanding the present and predicting the future, but rather one of many alternative models, one that is being heavily promoted by people and organizations who have an angle and vast resources. People and organizations with a conflict of interest, one way or another.
Furthermore, this book is intended to serve as a first draft of an alternative dissenting version of history, as a recitation of the lies and harms that have been inflicted on all of us, and a means to help you make sense out of the bewildering array of lived events. My hope is that it will also help us all process our collective experiences, and will help us to derive lessons and identify actions that we might take to move towards a better future, informed by this global experience which we have all shared.
I believe that this sense of cognitive dissonance, of psychological pain, that often occurs when encountering facts or ideas that are different from the ones which we have relied upon in the past (and have previously employed to make sense of the stream of the present) can be a signpost pointing towards an opportunity for personal growth. However, one thing that we have become acutely and very personally aware of is that there seems to be a movement in modern society to avoid information, theories, or opinions that trigger cognitive dissonance and the associated psychological pain. Often associated with terms such as “cancel culture,” “virtue-signaling,” and “wokeism,” this movement appears to have manifested as a belief system which holds that both individuals as well as the collective body politic have a fundamental right to intellectual protection, to not encounter unpleasant thoughts, information, or ideas that are inconsistent with their internal model of reality. These are the intellectual roots which nurture censorship, denialism, and the weaponized gaslighting, defamation, and slander that many have experienced, as well as the idea that anything which causes individuals to lose faith in their government constitutes domestic terrorism and should be treated as such. There is a long and rich human history of punishment by death for such dissident thought crimes. I suggest that these behaviors and actions are among the ugliest manifestations of the unpleasant tribal human tendency to reject those who are willing to speak inconvenient truths, and that this tendency has always been behind the dark reactionary aspect of common processes by which scientific and medical knowledge advance. Awareness of this phenomenon is not something just recently discovered. It extends back even before Galileo Galilei and the Roman Catholic Inquisition to at least the fourth century BC, and probably further beyond that into the mists of time.
About 2,400 years ago, the Athenian philosopher Plato (student of Socrates, mentor of Aristotle) described the Allegory of the Cave, writing while using the voice of his martyred mentor Socrates. Socrates is most famous for his powerful approach for avoiding hubris during logic-based reasoning, beginning all philosophical and logical quests for truth with the position that “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
The setting for the Allegory of the Cave is a hypothetical dark cavern inhabited by a group of prisoners who are all bound hand and foot facing the same wall. The prisoners have been there since birth; this is the only reality that they know. Behind them is a burning fire maintained by the rulers of the cave. The rulers have different objects and puppets which they hold up so that the prisoners can see the shadows cast by the objects as they interrupt the light of the fire, and the rulers make sounds and generate echoes for the prisoners to hear. These rulers of the cave are the puppet masters, able to control the reality that the prisoners are able to experience. The prisoners accept this shadow reality and do not question it.
One day, one of the prisoners gets loose. His chains break, and in a confused state he stands for the first time, looks around, and sees the fire. Lying on the ground next to the fire he sees the puppets and objects which correspond to the shadows on the wall. In a great leap of insight, he concludes that the shadows came from these objects, and that the puppets and fire represent a greater reality than that which he had previously known. Outside the cave, he sees color, sun, and trees, and he is filled with joy.
In the hope of enlightening his friends, he returns to the cave. He explains the new reality that he has experienced, but they cannot even begin to understand what he is trying to describe. The cave is all they have ever known. They have no way of knowing that they are, in fact, imprisoned. But they do notice that he is different now, his eyes look different, and he has trouble seeing, naming, and interpreting the shadows. They laugh at him, and all agree that leaving the cave is a fool’s errand. Then, they threaten to kill their brother and anyone else who dares to leave the cave, break their bonds, shatter their reality.
This ancient parable presents a dilemma that I also address in this book. For those emancipated from the confines of their old perception of reality, it is natural to hope to share observations and experiences about a new reality, despite the vast difference from the approved narrative. These people, and perhaps you are one of them, have already begun to question what they are being told by the puppet masters. For those who do not accept the official story, the first challenge is learning how to communicate something we believe is essential and vital to the health and well-being of family, friends, and the world at large. The second challenge is how to avoid being treated as a dangerous threat by everyone else still captivated by shadows on the wall.
Physicians and other medical practitioners are constantly encountering things that do not make sense. The good ones become a kind of detective, specializing in interpreting the shadows on the walls of the cave that they know best. Most of the rest become masters of naming the shadows. A very few are occasionally able to see outside the cave. But almost inevitably these few are initially rejected, defamed, and ridiculed by their peers. Yet they often persist, armed with conviction that they have seen a new reality, and the knowledge of how other dissenters who came before helped advance the common good. But it is neither easy nor pleasant to enlighten their fellow prisoners, many of whom will never accept that there is something more than the shadows to which they have become attached and familiar.
This book follows the basic process that physicians are taught to use when encountering a patient. A well-trained and experienced physician begins by trying to make sense out of what has brought the patient to seek care, a process that begins by getting the patient to speak about why they have come to the physician seeking treatment (the chief complaint), gathering information both as a history in the patient’s own words as well as results from a physical examination and laboratory tests. This information is then compared to the many models of disease which the physician holds in their head (and sometimes in books or computers), and a hypothesis is developed that seeks to answer the question, “What are the causes of this particular patients’ complaints and symptoms?” The resulting diagnostic hypothesis may be challenged and supported by performing additional examination or tests. A treatment plan is then developed based on the working model (hypothesis) for what is causing the patient to have a complaint or what appears to be a particular disease. The treatment plan is implemented, and after a period of time the physician and patient come back together to see if the treatment has been effective or if the hypothesis needs to be modified or rejected.
In the case of the current work, we have assembled a number of personal stories which we hope will help the reader start to see underlying patterns and problems. These chapters are essentially personal histories that describe the chief complaints of different people from all over the world who have been impacted by the COVIDcrisis. Think of these as case studies, from which observations and hypotheses about the diagnosis of “what has caused us this pain” during the COVIDcrisis can be derived. Then there are essays developed during the course of these events that strive to comprehend and make sense of the events and forces that have caused these various complaints and symptoms. Finally, there are the chapters which have been most difficult for me to write, the treatment plans. The collected thoughts and ideas which, if implemented, offer hope for recovery and prevention of future global calamities akin to that which we are now (hopefully) emerging from.
These case histories illuminate only a fraction of the tragic collective human suffering we have all endured. And the treatment plans proposed are only a starting point for a broader plan. I neither pretend to have the answers, nor to understand the full “truth” of what we all have experienced. If we can achieve one thing only, it will be in helping others awaken to the possibility that the models of reality to which we have become familiar and attached just may be deleterious to our health. If, with this book, we can open your “Overton window” just a bit more, perhaps individuals like you, like me and Jill, and like the contributing authors in this volume, can help create a better future for our children and grandchildren.
But don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to avert your eyes or don a pair of sunglasses. Cognitive dissonance hurts when you first venture out of the cave and encounter the bright light of the sun.
Republished and updated from the author’s Substack.
About the Author Robert W. Malone is a physician and biochemist. His work focuses on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. You can find him at Substack and Gettr
Source: The Brownstone Institute