August 1, 2021: In this thorough video interview, Dr. Joseph Mercola guides us through a critically important discussion with MIT research expert Dr. Stephanie Seneff. The interview delves deeply into how the mRNA vaccine technology works (including a sharp focus is on the possible long term consequences that may come with this "family" of Covid vaccines). Admittedly, the content is expressed in formal medical and research terms, however, the information covered is essential and well worth the effort to watch and study.
To complement the Mercola-Seneff interview, Extremely American has also included a link to the Seneff white paper that forms the foundation of the material covered (please refer to the link below).
White Paper Abstract:
Operation Warp Speed brought to market in the United States two mRNA vaccines, produced by Pfizer and Moderna. Interim data suggested high efficacy for both of these vaccines, which helped legitimize Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA. However, the exceptionally rapid movement of these vaccines through controlled trials and into mass deployment raises multiple safety concerns. In this review we first describe the technology underlying these vaccines in detail. We then review both components of and the intended biological response to these vaccines, including production of the spike protein itself, and their potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases. Among these potential induced pathologies, we discuss the relevance of prion-protein-related amino acid sequences within the spike protein. We also present a brief review of studies supporting the potential for spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the latter. We finish by addressing a common point of debate, namely, whether or not these vaccines could modify the DNA of those receiving the vaccination. While there are no studies demonstrating definitively that this is happening, we provide a plausible scenario, supported by previously established pathways for transformation and transport of genetic material, whereby injected mRNA could ultimately be incorporated into germ cell DNA for transgenerational transmission. We conclude with our recommendations regarding surveillance that will help to clarify the long-term effects of these experimental drugs and allow us to better assess the true risk/benefit ratio of these novel technologies.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff Biography:
Dr. Seneff attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), earning her bachelor of science (BS) in biophysics in 1968, a master's (MS) in electrical engineering in 1980, and a doctoral degree (PhD) in computer science in 1985. She is a senior research scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Her research career focused on using computational modeling and analysis of the human auditory system to improve communication between humans and computers. She was elected a Fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association (ISCA) in 2012 as recognition for her "contributions to conversational human-computer systems and computer-assisted language learning". Dr. Seneff collaborates with and is married to MIT professor Victor Zue.