What is the official response by the Federal Election Commission (FEC)?
What is the FEC doing about this egregious form of Election Interference?
Why is Amazon (Jeff Bezos) not being immediately pulled into an investigative hearing?
What is the GOP (Mike Johnson) doing about this slimy attempt to undermine Donald Trump's election campaign?
Why would anyone ever rely on a product like Alexa that is made and programmed by an America-hating techno-anarchist scumbag like Jeff Bezos?
Boycott Amazon products.
Minimize (eliminate) your use of Google, use only with extreme caution, find an alternative search engine.
Dump Facebook/Meta and do not rely on its skewed content if you continue to use this platform.
As a general rule, every Big Tech Silicon Valley company is using stealth tactics to interfere with (manipulate) our elections in ways that resemble Amazon's brazen form of election interference.
Demand your elected officials do something (immediately) about this Amazon Alexa scandal.