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  • Extremely American

From Amazon's Alexa to Google to Facebook, Election Bias is Embedded in Big Tech Solutions


  • What is the official response by the Federal Election Commission (FEC)?

  • What is the FEC doing about this egregious form of Election Interference?

  • Why is Amazon (Jeff Bezos) not being immediately pulled into an investigative hearing?

  • What is the GOP (Mike Johnson) doing about this slimy attempt to undermine Donald Trump's election campaign?

  • Why would anyone ever rely on a product like Alexa that is made and programmed by an America-hating techno-anarchist scumbag like Jeff Bezos?


  • Boycott Amazon products.

  • Minimize (eliminate) your use of Google, use only with extreme caution, find an alternative search engine.

  • Dump Facebook/Meta and do not rely on its skewed content if you continue to use this platform.

  • As a general rule, every Big Tech Silicon Valley company is using stealth tactics to interfere with (manipulate) our elections in ways that resemble Amazon's brazen form of election interference.

  • Demand your elected officials do something (immediately) about this Amazon Alexa scandal.


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