UK is going to administer a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine starting in the fall.
It never ends. UK is going to administer a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine starting in the fall. The largest human experiment in history continues. There is so much that we do not understand about this vaccine and many experts are very nervous about the long term effects of taking all these jabs. EA urges people to learn as much as possible about the vaccine and to make informed decisions.

Antifa terrorists threw rocks and paint bombs at cars and trucks driven by ‘Back the Blue’ supporters in Salem, Oregon. The demonstration was reportedly organized by the Proud Boys, though according to reports not many Proud Boys showed up. About one hundred fifty Antifa were there to counter and attack them. One driver was arrested by police when he pulled a gun on Antifa after getting out of his pickup truck when it was attacked. Otherwise it appears police let Antifa attack at will. “A small group of Proud Boys and Trump supporters traveled to Oregon’s Capitol on Sunday, where they clashed with a group of about 150 anti-fascist counterprotesters. The group of far-right supporters published flyers in the days leading up to the rally, saying they were gathering to support “freedom.” - - “There are a few dozen proud boys gathered right now on a side street in Sandy (sic), Oregon. They’re planning on driving to the state Capitol for a “freedom” rally Counter protestors are planning to show up to oppose them. Oregon State police say they are aware of both protests…At the Oregon Capitol there are about 150 counter protestors in “black bloc”

Tennessee became the third state to require student athletes to compete based on their biological sex.
The state’s Republican Governor Bill Lee signed the legislation into law on Friday, joining Mississippi and Arkansas in protecting girl’s sports.“I signed the bill to preserve women’s athletics and ensure fair competition,” Gov. Lee posted on Twitter. “This legislation responds to damaging federal policies that stand in opposition to the years of progress made under Title IX and I commend members of the General Assembly for their bipartisan work.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already taken on big tech and foreign influencers, and now he is ready to add the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, threatening a lawsuit if the Biden administration does not permit cruises to restart by summer. “They did the No-Sail Order in March of 2020,” DeSantis said at a Friday news conference with Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, and leaders of Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Disney, and Norwegian cruise lines. “And it’s never been really to the point where they’re making an effort to really get it back.” - - “This has a kind of ripple effect throughout all businesses,” he said. “When they’re sailing, there is more economic opportunity for people across a wide range of businesses. It affects a lot of jobs. What we need is a way forward. “Is it OK for the government to idle an industry for a year with no end in sight?”

On March 24, in a televised statement, Biden directed Harris to get the Mexican and Central American governments to forcibly block poor migrants moving towards the United States. Biden said: “The Vice President … agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.” [emphasis added]. Biden said that Harris would work with “the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” and added that it was a “tough job.” On Friday, Symone Sanders, Harris’s press secretary, redefined the request. “The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic effort, with Mexico and countries in the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration,” she said. “There are many reasons that move these folks to make this dangerous journey.” - - “This is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion,” said Ken Cuccinelli, who served as deputy homeland security chief under President Donald Trump. “I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before.”