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  • Extremely American

March 3, 2021 - Headlines

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

A new Gallup poll reveals Americans’ favorability rating for China has hit an all-time low of 20 percent and that Democrats are nearly three times more likely to hold a favorable view of the communist country than Republicans. The early February poll shows that just 10 percent of Republicans, 22 percent of Independents, and 27 percent of Democrats have a “favorable opinion of China.” The new numbers represent a marked downward shift of 13, 17, and eight points, respectively. As a result, Americans’ overall favorability rating of the country – which perpetuates genocide against Uyghurs, targets the U.S. with information and economic warfare, and spawned and spread COVID-19 – hit an all-time low of 20 percent. The statistic has been tracked since 1979 and follows a similarly rapid decline in August 1989 following the Chinese government’s crackdown on protestors in Tiananmen Square. Reported by The National Pulse.

The American Spectator reports the the Republican Senator and beta male Bill Cassidy is the object of shame in Louisiana. There are billboards all over Louisiana with Cassidy’s image and “OBJECT OF SHAME” in large letters, a reference to the characterization of Cassidy by the East Baton Rouge Parish Republican Party after his vote in favor of the impeachment trial’s constitutionality. His staff had all but given up answering the phone by the second week of February, so brutal and voluminous were the calls expressing outrage at his impeachment votes. The state GOP censured him with a savage statement following his vote to convict Trump.

Irrelevant and Milquetoast Loser Mike Pence now calls for Election Integrity. The Gateway Pundit Reports that after his actions in January, we now know that Vice President Mike Pence has no problem betraying his President, and the millions of Americans who voted for him by certifying an illegitimate election soaked with fraud. Promoting criminal and unconstitutional actions somehow doesn’t seem Christian to us. Pence rebuffed President Trump’s call to reject Biden’s electors. President Trump during his speech in DC on Wednesday repeatedly called on Vice President Mike Pence to do his duty and defer the certification of Biden votes in contested states back to the state legislatures. Mike Pence would not even allow a review of the election irregularities and questionable results in several swing states. He was too weak to act. Pence now says, “When I was serving as presiding officer at the joint session of Congress certifying the Electoral College results, I pledged to ensure that all objections properly raised under the Electoral Count Act would be given a full hearing before Congress and the American people.” Pence went on to say, "We have to do everything we can to change that and ensure that the American people, no matter which political party they favor, have confidence in the fairness and security of the election process".

Swamp Rat McConnell Pledges support for Swamp Rat Lisa Murkowski. CNN reported - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell committed on Monday that Senate Republicans will support GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s reelection bid in 2022 despite former President Donald Trump advocating that the GOP “get rid of” the 17 Republicans in Congress who voted against him during his second impeachment.

Of the seven Senate Republicans who voted to convict Trump of inciting a deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6, Alaska’s Murkowski is the only one facing voters in the midterm election next year in a state Trump won by about 10 points last year.

“Absolutely,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, replied when asked by CNN if the National Republican Senatorial Committee would back Murkowski even after Trump extolled to the Conservative Political Action Conference his desire for political revenge against his critics.

That Populist Press Reports - Steve Bannon: Joe Biden hasn’t given a State of the Union because Joe Biden can’t stand up there and give a State of the Union. That’s what it’s all about. Also he won’t draw an audience but he can’t stand up there and do it. That’s why we’re delayed I think the first time since 1981, isn’t that right Raheem Kassam, that we delayed the State of the Union? Because IC chatter. Because domestic terrorists, uh, that would be you, audience, are trying to blow up the Capitol when he gives the State of the Union. That is nonsense… Wray says 55 out of 56 FBI offices are open with investigations. And 85 have been charged? EA noticed that it has been more than 42 days and counting that Biden has not given us a presser. Democracy dies in darkness, isn't that right MSM?

Breitbart Reports - Dr. Anthony Fauci cast doubts Tuesday on whether life would be back to normal by March 2022 as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

“I don’t think we’re going to be completely normal a year from now,” Fauci said. “But I hope we’re well on the way to normality so that we can ultimately get the world protected at the same time as we get economic recovery so that all the unintended consequences of shutting down begin to normalize, including other health issues that have arisen because of the shutdown.” Fauci spoke about the fight against the coronavirus during an event organized by the University of Edinburgh. His comments clash with President Joe Biden’s prediction Tuesday life would be mostly back to normal in March 2022. “I’ve been cautioned not to give an answer to that because we don’t know for sure,” Biden said to a reporter. “But my hope is by this time next year, we’re going to be back to normal and before that. I hope.” Fauci warned of new variants of the virus that would continue to spread, despite efforts to stop it. “Sooner or later, the variants, the new lineages the mutants will come back and rekindle the outbreak, even in countries that seem to have it under control,” he said. He warned against governments reopening their societies and economies too quickly. “What I often say is, if we jump the gun or do it too quickly, what happens is that you can get a resurgence of infection,” he said, adding that there was significant risk in doing so. “It’s very risky – if you go too fast, you’ll have a setback.”

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer reports - House Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) introduced gun control legislation this week and made clear that the current push is just the “first step.” On March 1, 2021, Breitbart News noted National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) warnings that Clyburn was going to put forward gun control to extend the period of time it takes to undergo an instant background check for a gun purchase. Current law allows such checks to be extended up to three business days to allow FBI reviewers to sift through pertinent criminal records. Clyburn’s bill would expand the extended review to at least 10 days. NPR spoke with Clyburn about his gun control proposal, and he made clear it is only the beginning. He opined that the legislation expanding the time frame for background checks to be conducted “is a good first step,” then quickly moved on to talk about the need for universal background checks. Clyburn said, “A large majority of Americans, including gun owners, support universal background checks. This legislation is needed to keep weapons out of the hands of those who should not have them and save lives.” Ironically, Democrats often point to the Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Las Vegas mass shootings when promoting universal background checks. Some will also point to the January 8, 2011, Tucson, Arizona, attack in which Gabby Giffords was injured. But they never explain that universal background checks would not have hindered, much less stopped, any of these attacks. That is because those who attacked Parkland, Las Vegas, and Giffords all acquired their guns via background checks. The Sandy Hook attacker stole his guns, so no amount of background checks would have stopped him.


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