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Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands COVID 'Answers' from Fauci Immediately, 'Stop Lying' (Video)

Marjorie Taylor Greene demands COVID 'answers' from Fauci, 'stop lying'

February 28, 2023: Reports that the Energy Department concluded that a “lab leak” in China could have caused the COVID-19 outbreak are bringing new pressure on former coronavirus czar Dr. Anthony Fauci to cough up what he knew about the pandemic and the funding for the lab involved.

In a new political ad previewed for Secrets on Tuesday, special House COVID Committee member Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said that she is seeking information about the lab from Fauci, who recently retired as the chief White House medical adviser and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). In the new social media ad, Greene said, “Dr. Fauci needs to be held accountable. He has a lot of answers to give. He needs to stop lying. There needs to be an investigation and China needs to pay.”

Over the past several years, there have been several theories on how and where the virus that killed millions began and whether agencies governed by Fauci funded the labs in the scandal.

House Republicans have pledged to investigate the crisis and have promised to haul Fauci in to testify before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which Greene serves on. In her ad, made up of committee hearing and media clips, Greene also highlighted concerns raised by other lawmakers, notably Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), about Fauci’s involvement with a suspected lab in Wuhan, China, that will be a focus of the hearings.

“He was very involved in this gain of function research. He was involved in the grants that went to a third party that paid for it,” she said, adding, “Dr. Fauci is responsible for all of this. He created the gain of function. He gave it to China. They created the bio weapon, which is COVID-19. And it broke the world.”

Source: The Washington Examiner

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