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When the House Votes Unanimously … there is usually a larger issue at play

Extremely American

When the House Votes Unanimously…

By: Martin Armstrong

March 13, 2023: When the House votes unanimously, there is usually a larger issue at play. It was announced on Friday that the US House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously agreed to declassify information regarding the origins of COVID. Let us recall that one side of the political spectrum effectively shut down the entire economy and used the people as puppets to push forth their COVID agenda of vaccinations and lockdowns. When the House votes unanimously, one must look closer at the agenda on the macro level.

The decision to declassify the origins of COVID will likely not lead to the arrest of Fauci, Gates, Soros, or any of the other big players who advised on policies that directly harmed the people and economy. The pharmaceutical companies will not be charged for injecting countless people with an experimental substance, and the powers who enforced vaccine mandates will be blameless. Again, one side of the political spectrum supported the harshest COVID laws imaginable, and revealing the truth behind the virus would be detrimental to their party. So why the unanimous vote?

When the house votes unanimously, there is a common enemy. It is no secret that the US is instigating China to enter World War III. As I mentioned in a separate post, Western intelligence agencies are threatening China for conspiring to supply Moscow with aid, despite having no known leads. China is attempting to remain neutral, but anti-Chinese sentiment is subtly rising in the mainstream media. It was almost illegal to say that the virus was deliberately leaked from a lab in Wuhan. Trump was called a racist for calling COVID “the China virus,” and anyone who mentioned a lab leak on social media was immediately deplatformed.

However, the need for a common enemy has arrived as the US economy is in shambles and confidence in government continues to plummet. The propaganda emerging is that China is solely to blame for the coronavirus. The loss of life and business is due to China. Any issue you may have faced due to the coronavirus or consequential mandates is solely due to China. Avert your attention from your own government’s misdoings and blame the common enemy.

Christopher Wray of the FBI told Fox News that his agency is aware of “a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab.” If a civilian said this one year ago, they would have been called a conspiracy theorist. “I will just make the observation that the Chinese government, it seems to me, has been doing its best to try to thwart and obfuscate the work here, the work that we’re doing, the work that our U.S. government and close foreign partners are doing. And that’s unfortunate for everybody,” Wray said. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan claims that uncovering the source of the leak is a top priority for President Biden, who had no interest in this previously.

Justice will not be served. The government can no longer use COVID as a power grab, but it can use COVID to demonize its opponent and push China into war.


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