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Extremely American - Worldwide

Extremely American
Sep 20, 20211 min read
The Trudeau's staged their "Covid Vaccine" Photo Op (must-watch video)
Video Link: The Trudeau's stage their vaccination "event" with cameras rolling This is about as cringeworthy as the vaccine propaganda...

Extremely American
Sep 17, 20211 min read
Maxime Bernier: "The Canadian election is referendum on vaccine mandates & passports"
September 17, 2021: It is clear that the "purest" Canadian option for a political leader and party poised against public health fascism...

Extremely American
Sep 15, 20211 min read
Canadian Female voters would do well to remember Trudeau's brutal track record of feigned feminism
As September 20 rapidly approaches, Canadian female voters must be reminded of Trudeau's countless transgressions against Canadian women....

Extremely American
Aug 26, 20211 min read
Oh Canada! The Sept 20 National Election is your chance to reject global tyranny - Dump Trudeau!
#RejectTrudeau #RejectGlobalTyranny
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