Project Veritas: NYT journalist Matthew Rosenberg caught red-handed admitting to false reporting
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Extremely American - Worldwide
March 9, 2022: The New York Time (NYT) has long been known for (and caught) fabricating the news and pushing manipulate and false DNC...
Extremely American
Feb 2, 20222 min
Project Veritas: #Covidflation
Project Veritas Alert: Covidflation Whistleblower February 2, 2022: A source who works for United Healthcare of Louisiana’s Inpatient...
Extremely American
Jan 11, 20222 min
Project Veritas: Military Documents about Gain-of-Function Contradict Fauci's Testimony Under Oath
Direct Link to Project Veritas Video: Military Documents Confirm Fauci Lied Under Oath Project Veritas: Story Overview • Military...
Extremely American
Dec 9, 20211 min
Democrat Stovall caught trying to Infiltrate the Republican Party by Journalist Hero James O'Keefe
POS Caught by Project Veritas Alex Stovall is running as an America First conservative for Congress in Arizona. In reality, he’s a...
Extremely American
Nov 16, 20211 min
CBS | KENS5 Diversity Trainer: "I challenge you to STOP thinking in terms of objective journalism"
Twitter video Link: CBS Diversity & Multicultural Training encourages dishonesty & discriminatory biases November 17, 2021: There is no...
Extremely American
Oct 5, 20211 min
Project Veritas Exposed Part 4: Pfizer's "Code Yellow" is only the start of their problems (video)
Video Link: Project Veritas Exposed Part 4 - Pfizer in the Spotlight
Extremely American
Sep 20, 20211 min
Federal Government HHS Whistleblower blows the whistle on Vaccine Efficacy & Manipulated Reporting
Project Veritas Video Link - Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine: "Shove Adverse Effect Reporting Under the Mat" September 20, 2021: This is...
Extremely American
Jun 15, 20211 min
Project Veritas: Fox reporter Ivory Hecker exposes Corruption, Censorship & Racism at Fox News
June 16, 2021: James O'Keefe of Project Veritas exposed CNN for dishonest and manipulative journalism and media coverage back on April 14...
Extremely American
Apr 14, 20212 min
Project Veritas Under-Cover Video: CNN's Criminal Journalism Exposed on 8-Minute Video
April 14, 2021: James O’Keefe and his exceptional team at Project Veritas have released one of their most important under-cover videos to...
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